Silver Linings

My ex-husband and dear friend, John, is visiting NZ from his Sydney home for his mother's 86th birthday. During a phone call the other day he suggested I book an appointment at my hair salon. How kind of him. Obviously he has seen recent pics of me and decided I was in desperate need of being sat down in a swively chair in front of a large mirror and be tended to by someone expert with scissors and hiding grey.

I couldn't agree more.  When he enquired about cost I mumbled and staring around wildly for a distraction subject I practically yelled into the phone: "Holy hell, I have so much washing to fold!"

Unimpressed by my washing dilemma he pressed on: "It will make you feel better, Doll, having a bit of a 'Do". Cheer you up and put a spring in your step. Considering the price, I'm assuming they offer you a wine?" 

"Yes, but I always opt for water." 

"Really? Goodness. Well I'll sit and chat with you while they snip and drink your glass and mine." 

Of course he will and so he should. I'm looking forward to seeing him and feeling less like Cruella de Vil's great granny.

Lately, even more than usual, friends are being very loving. Ruthie dropped by with giant, stuffed, cheesey baked potatoes. My idea of heaven. I love potatoes. Must be the Irish in my veins. As I'd already slurped down a bowl of murky brown lentil soup for lunch I settled myself in to sniff wistfully at the spud and watch her eat. Nearly as good as the real thing if you really concentrate. Su then arrived and declared "movie time". Half an hour later we were lounging in a dark theatre with a box of popcorn each fantasizing about living in Greece in a stone house with faded blue shutters by a pebbly beach. Bliss. All in all not a bad day.

Now, it's Friday and freezing. But as my hair salon is a bit groovy and flash one needs to dress up to visit (or look like the cleaner getting a freebie) I get to wear my new blue velvet tartan coat. 

"Everything has a silver lining," a friend of my son's tells me. Certainly my hair does.  

I think he's right. We must always believe in that.